Our research program focuses on factors that affect food quality and consumer acceptability.
Our Current Research Projects
Evaluating the Impact of Spices and Herbs on Acceptability and Consumption of Vegetables Among Preschool Children Enrolled in Georgia Head Start and Parents
Investigators: Ginnefer Cox, PI; Isabelle Smith
Description: This project aims to increase acceptability and consumption of vegetables utilizing spices and herbs among preschool children and their parents.
Funding Source: McCormick Science Institute
Promoting Professional Development and Dairy Reputation: A Collaboration with University of Georgia and Dairy Management Inc.
Investigators: Ginnefer Cox, PI; Renee Hutton
Description: This project aims to increase acceptability and consumption of dairy-based foods and recipes among college students through various interventions and platforms (nutrition education messaging, social media, culinary demonstrations). Interventions will assist with the development of a national toolkit for college dining services.
Funding Source: National Dairy Council (USDA)
Recent Publications
Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)
*Ng, M., Andress, E., Adhikari, K., Henes, S., Lee, J., Cox, G. (2023). Sensory-Informed Evaluation Method for Use with Peer Educators of Nutrition Education Programs. Submitted to Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, in press
Moore, C.J., Celestin, N., Cox, G.O., Williams, T.M., & Mullis, R.M. (2023). Incorporating Paraprofessional Educators’ Perspectives into the Curriculum Revision Process for EFNEP. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 40(1):13-26.
*Ng, M., Moore, C., Andress, E., Adhikari, K., Henes, S., Lee, J., Cox, G.O. 2022. Application of a Sensory Evaluation Methodology for Recipes Utilized in Federal Nutrition Education Programs. Journal of Sensory Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12752
*Ng, M., Cotto-Rivera, E., Dallas, J., Peneck, A., Powell, A., Sanville, S., Williams, B., Moore, C., Lee, J. Cox, G.O. 2021. Sensory Evaluation of New Recipes for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) Informs Consumer Acceptance and Recipe Development Needs. Journal of Sensory Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/joss.12730
*Lindke A., Smith T., Cotwright C., Morris D., Cox G. 2022 Plate Waste Evaluation of Plant-Based Protein Entrees in National School Lunch Program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 54(1):12-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2021.06.002
Kear, K., Stotz, S., Love, K., Cox, G., Birch, L., Cotwright, C. 2021. Assessing Health Disparities in Foods and Beverages Served in Early Care and Education Programs Across Georgia. Pediatric Obesity. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12787
Yildiz, G., Cox, G., Moran, L. 2021. Identification of Aroma Compounds of Dried and Fresh Thyme (Thymus Vulgaris L. by Gas Chromatography-Olfactory and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy Analysis. Latin American Applied Research. 51(1):51-22
Cox, G.O., Rotberg, B., Ng, M., Henes, S., Giraudo, S. 2020. Examining the Effectiveness of a Nutrition Education Intervention for Hispanic Participants. Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, 8(1), 58-68. doi.org/10.20429/jgpha.2020.080109
Zhang, X., Lewandowski, K., Cavender, G., Cox, G., Paton, C. 2020. Sensory analysis of a β-Carotene-rich processed food intended for Vitamin A supplementation. Foods, 9(2), 232. doi:10.3390/foods9020232
Cotwright, C., Jimenez, F., Farmer, P., Delane, J., Okoli, C., Cox, G. 2020. Improving Willingness to Try Fruits and Vegetables among Low-Income Children through Use of Characters. Health Equity Apr 2020.84-90.doi.org/10.1089/heq.2019.0113
Moore, C., Lindke A., Cox, G. (2019). Using Sensory Science to Evaluate Consumer Acceptance of Recipes in a Nutrition Education Intervention for Limited Resource Populations. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 52(2), 134-144. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2019.07.012
Cox, G. O., & Lee, S. -Y. (2018). Sodium Threshold in Model Reduced and Low Fat Oil-in-Water Emulsion Systems. Journal of Food Science, 83(3), 791-797. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.13941
Cox, G. O., Lee, S. -Y., & Lee, Y. (2019). Drivers of Liking in a Model Retorted Creamy Tomato Soup System with Varying Levels of Sodium, Fat, and Herbs. Journal of Food Science. doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13941
Submitted Publications
Trivedi-Kapoor, R., Hardy, K., Bacha, M., Cox, G., Tackett, R., Young, H., Sattler, E. (2023). Acceptability of a Newly Developed Southern Version of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet Among Heart Failure Patients in the South: A Pilot Sensory Evaluation. Submitted to Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Published Abstracts
Hutton, R., Ingerson, K., Cox, G. 2023. Does Milk Do Your Body Good: Consumption, Knowledge, and Perception of Dairy-Based Foods Among College Students. American Society for Nutrition Conference.
Trivedi-Kapoor, R., Hardy, K., Bacha, M., Cox, G., Tackett, R., Young, H., Sattler, E. 2023.Acceptability of a Newly Developed Southern DASH Diet Among Heart Failure Patients in the South: A Sensory Evaluation. American Heart Association Lifestyle Scientific Sessions Conference.
Ng, M., Andress, E., Adhikari, K., Henes, S., Lee, J., Cox, G. (2021). The Inside Scoop: Sensory Evaluation Feedback from Peer Educators Provides Important Perspective on Direct Education Recipes. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference.
Lindke, A., Smith, T., Cotwright, C., Morris, D., Cox, G. (2021). Sensory Evaluation of Plant-Based Protein Entrees for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). American Society for Nutrition Conference.
Cox, G. (2020). Utilizing Sensory Evaluation Methodology in Recipe Development for Federal Nutrition Assistance Program. Society of Sensory Professionals Conference.
Cox, G., Ng, M., Feng, Y., Ellison, B., Duff, B., Lleras, A., Lee, Y., Lee, S-Y. (2020). Impact of Labeling on Acceptability of Foods Targeted Towards Hypertensive and Obese Consumers. The Obesity Society Conference.
Ingerson, K., McDaniel M., Renzi-Hammond, L., Padilla, H., Thapa, J., Berg, A., Cox, G. (2020). The Ideal Dining Hall: How Does Student Perception Influence Food Choice and Health in College Dining Halls? Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference.
Cox, G. Ng, M., Cotto-Rivera, E., Dallas, J., Peneck, A., Powell, A., Sanville, S., Williams, B., Lee, J. (2019). Taste is Everything: Feasibility of Using Sensory Evaluation to Develop Responsive Recipes for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed). Society for Nutrition Education Behavior and Conference.
Cox, G., & Moore, C. (2019). Utilizing Sensory Evaluation Methodology in Recipe Development for Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference.
Cox, G., & Lee, J. S. (2019). Taste is everything: The role of sensory evaluation in nutrition education for low-income population. American Society for Nutrition Conference.
- Cox, G (Speaker). National Taiwan University. ‘Promoting Vegetable Consumption by School-Age Children Via Sensory Evaluation of Plant-Based Recipes.’ September 13, 2021. Virtual Presentation.
- Hutton, R., Ingerson, K., Cox, G (Presenting Author). 2023. Does Milk Do Your Body Good: Consumption, Knowledge, and Perception of Dairy-Based Foods Among College Students. American Society for Nutrition Conference. Poster Presentation.
- Ng, M. (Speaker), Andress, E., Adhikari, K., Henes, S., Lee, J., Cox, G. (2021). The Inside Scoop: Sensory Evaluation Feedback from Peer Educators Provides Important Perspective on Direct Education Recipes. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference. Virtual Conference. Oral Presentation.
- Lindke, A., Smith, T., Cotwright, C., Morris, D., Cox, G (Speaker). (2021). Sensory Evaluation of Plant-Based Protein Entrees for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). American Society for Nutrition Conference. Virtual Conference. Oral Presentation.
- Cox, G (Speaker). Monell Chemical Senses Center Seminar Series. ‘Looking Beyond the Sensory Booth setting: Confessions of a Non-Traditional Sensory Scientist’ December 8, 2020. Virtual Presentation.
- Cox, G (Presenting Author). (2020). Utilizing Sensory Evaluation Methodology in Recipe Development for Federal Nutrition Assistance Program. Society of Sensory Professionals Conference. Virtual Conference. Poster Presentation.
- Cox, G. (Presenting Author), Ng, M., Feng, Y., Ellison, B., Duff, B., Lleras, A., Lee, Y., Lee, S-Y. (2020). Impact of Labeling on Acceptability of Foods Targeted Towards Hypertensive and Obese Consumers. The Obesity Society Conference. Virtual Conference. Poster Presentation.
- Lindke, A. (Speaker), Smith, T., Cotwright, C., Morris, D., Cox, G. (2020). Utilizing Sensory Evaluation Methodology in the Development of Plant-Based Protein Entrees for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference. Virtual Conference. Oral Presentation.
- Ingerson, K. (Presenting Author), McDaniel M., Renzi-Hammond, L., Padilla, H., Thapa, J., Berg, A., Cox, G. (2020). The Ideal Dining Hall: How Does Student Perception Influence Food Choice and Health in College Dining Halls? Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference. Virtual Conference. Poster Presentation.
- Cox, G. (Presenting Author), Ng, M., Cotto-Rivera, E., Dallas, J., Peneck, A., Powell, A., Sanville, S., Williams, B., Lee, J. (2019). Taste is Everything: Feasibility of Using Sensory Evaluation to Develop Responsive Recipes for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed). Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference. Orlando, FL. Poster Presentation.
- Cox, G. (Presenting Author), Moore, C. (2019). Utilizing Sensory Evaluation Methodology in Recipe Development for Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Conference. Orlando, FL. Poster Presentation.
- Cox, G. (Speaker), & Lee, J. S. (2019). Taste is everything: The role of sensory evaluation in nutrition education for low-income population. American Society for Nutrition Conference. Oral Presentation (Innovative Nutrition Education Programs or Evaluation Measures Session).
- Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics pre-conference workshop (GAND) - March 27, 2018 – (Presentation Title, ‘Taste Is Everything, Or Is It? The Role of Sensory Science in Nutrition’)
- Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association – February 7, 2017 (Presentation Title, ‘Sensory and the RD: A Crash Course in Sensory Science’)
- Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference (GATFACS) – January 26, 2018 (Presentation Title, ‘Taste Is Everything, Or Is It? Using Sensory Science In The Classroom’)
- Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference (GATFACS) – January 26, 2018 (Presentation Title, ‘Looking Beyond the Triangle Test: Sensory Testing In The Classroom’)
- Georgia Department of Education, New School Nutrition Directors Orientation Meeting (Presenter), July 2017 and 2018
- Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences (GATFACS) – January 27, 2017 (Presentation Title, ‘Taste is Everything, Or Is It? Using Sensory Science In The Classroom’)
- University of Georgia, Department of Nutritional Sciences Seminar Series – February 15, 2023. ‘More Than a Triangle Test: Utilizing Sensory Evaluation Methodology for Nutrition Research within Community-Based Systems
- University of Georgia, Department of Foods and Nutrition Seminar Series – January 20, 2021. ‘Looking Beyond the Sensory Booth setting: Confessions of a Non-Traditional Sensory Scientist’
- University of Georgia Extension Winter Conference (‘Taste Is Everything, Or Is It? The Role of Sensory Science in Nutrition Education’): January 24, 2018
- UGA ECOL 1000 (Ecological Basis for Environmental Issues) course – September 8, 2017 (Presentation Title, ‘The Role of Food Insecurity on Consumer Food Choice and Nutrition in the United States’)
- UGA NUTR 7911 (Dietetic Internship) course – April 5, 2017 (Presentation Title, ‘The New Professional Development Portfolio Process’)
- University of Georgia, Department of Food Science and Technology Spring Semester Seminar – February 28, 2017 (Presentation Title, “Taste Is Everything OR Is It?: The Role of Sensory Science in the Management of Hypertension”)
- UGA ANTH 3541 (Athropology of Eating) course – September 1, 2016 (Presentation Title, ‘Examining Sodium and Fat Reduction in Processed Food Systems’)
Recent Awards
Ginnefer Cox
- Graduate School Outstanding Mentor Award (2022): University level award: nominee
- Dr. Chris Todd Outstanding Outreach Award (2020): FACS level award: nominee
- Dr. Chris Todd Outstanding Outreach Award (2019: FACS level award: recipient
Student Awards:
- Melanie Ng: UGA Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award winner for 2022
- Melanie Ng: Outstanding Dietetic Student Award (DI) 2022|
- Allie Lindke: Leila Alberta Ritchie Mize Endowment award 2020
- Katherine Ingerson: Virginia Wilbanks Kilgore FACS Scholarship
- Katherine Ingerson: Golden Key International Honor Society
- Isabelle Smith: Gladys F. (Nannie) Nesbit/Flatt Education Fund award 2022
- Renee Hutton: American Dairy Science Assoc. Southeast Regional Student Affiliate Division, Dairy Foods Paper Presentation, 2nd place, 2023
- Renee Hutton: American Dairy Science Assoc. National Student Affiliate Division, Dairy Foods Paper Presentation, 1st place, 2023
Our Team

Dr. Ginnefer Cox
Assistant Professor

Renee Hutton
PhD Student
B.S. in Agriculture in Animal Science
B.S.F.C.S in Dietetics

Isabelle Smith
MS Student
B.S.F.C.S in Culinary Science and Nutrition