Isabella Cuneo Dean
Alumni Office, Human Development and Family Science
Now a policymaker in Washington, D.C., Dean said FACS graduates are fully equipped to take on their career goals
- Degree/Year
Human Development and Family Science
- Current occupation/Location
Policymaker for U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, Washington D.C.
- What has been your proudest accomplishment since graduating?
I think breaking out of my comfort zone, moving to D.C. and taking unexpected opportunities. I've had the chance to see my FACS degree in action in our nation's capital and it's been the most incredible experience to advocate for children and families in both the executive and legislative branches of government.
- What was your favorite class in FACS?
Issues in Family Systems!
- Did you have a favorite – or most memorable – faculty member?
I can truly say all of the FACS faculty are amazing. Some of the professors and faculty who really supported my academic learning and career are Dr. Maria Bermudez, Dr. Jennifer George, Dr. Cara Winston Simmons and Dr. Andy Carswell.
- How do you think FACS prepared you for your career success?
I’m always surprised when peers tell me they didn’t have a career-oriented class or have to do mock interviews in college. FACS made sure graduates were fully prepared to take on post-college career placement. I also felt really lucky to be in FACS as I chose to go the policy route, which was a little unconventional for an HDFS major, and I consistently had support and guidance in pursuing my career goals.
- What inspires or motivates you?
I love to solve problems and make systems function better. In the family policy realm, there are lots of issues, so I constantly feel inspired to learn more and find solutions to improve the lives of children and families.
- What advice would you give a current FACS student looking to pursue a career in your field?
Your college experience, major, internships and degree are what you make it. Passionately pursue your career goals through each area of your college experience and commit to your own success. Lean on people in the areas you want to work - I will always go out of my way to support a fellow Bulldog!