Shuangyue "Tracy" Cui
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
Graduate research assistant
Shuangyue is interested in couple relationship, couple relationship education (CRE), program development, program adaptation, and program evaluation. Shuangyue is a graduate research assistant in the Couples and Relationship Enrichment Laboratory.
Degree | Field of Study | Institution | Graduation |
Bachelor of Art | Psychology | University of Texas at San Antonio | May 2018 |
Master of Science | Human Development and Family Science | Syracuse University | May 2022 |
Award Name | Awarded By | Year Awarded |
Virginia Wilbanks Kilgore Scholarship | College of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of Georgia | 2023 |
Organization | Title | Year(s) | Service Type |
Graduate Student Orgnization, Human Development and Family Science | Faculty-Student Liaison | 2 | Departmental |
Graduate Student Orgnization, Human Development and Family Science | Vice President | 1 | Departmental |
Graduate Student Orgnization, Human Development and Family Science | President | Current | Departmental |
Advisory Committee
Dr. Ted Futris
Dr. Noel Card
Dr. Elizabeth Wieling
Areas of Expertise
Couple Relationship Education program evaluation, couple relationship.
Current Research
Congruence in Couples’ Perceptions of Change in How They Manage Conflict Following Relationship Education and the Impact on Relationship Satisfaction
Job Description
Shuangyue is currently working as graduate research assistant in HDFS Couples and Relationship Enrichment Labaroratory, or CARE Lab. CARE lab focuses on understanding what promotes health couple relationships across diverse populations.
Journal Articles
Jiang, L., Wang, X., Cui, S., & Vasilenko, S. A. (2024). Time-varying associations between parental closeness, self-esteem, and sexual behavior across adolescence and emerging adulthood. Journal of research on adolescence : the official journal of the Society for Research on Adolescence, 10.1111/jora.12913. Advance online publication.
Richardson, E., Mallette, J. K., Futris, T., Brown, R., Starke, J., Cui, S., & Shepherd, L. (2024). Foster caregivers couples’ interparental relationship quality and intent to continue fostering. Journal of Family Psychology
Cui, S. (2022). Adolescent Closeness to Parents and Young Adult Global Self-Esteem: The Moderating Role of Natural Mentoring Relationship (Order No. 29206520). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Syracuse University; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2680996984).
Working Papers
Cui, S., Futris, T., Richardson, E., Campbell, A. Couple Relationship Education within the Context of Intimate Partner Violence Risk.
Cui, S., Bailey, Z., Futris, T., Richardson, E. Congruence in Couples’ Perceptions of Change in How They Manage Conflict Following Relationship Education and the Impact on Relationship Satisfaction.