Rachel Dougal

Rachel Dougal

Human Development and Family Science

HDFS major said the program is a perfect fit for her interests


Alpharetta, Ga.


Human Development and Family Science


Catholic Center, SSAC intern, Georgia Center front desk student assistant

Why did you choose your major?

I love working with people and want a career centered around doing good in the world. HDFS is the perfect fit to learn about how and why people do what they do, and it opens a wide variety of options in different career fields.

Why did you want to be a FACS Ambassador?

I want to learn even more about all of the amazing resources FACS offers, so I can also serve as a resource to my peers and potential students.

What do you like most about FACS?

How diverse the college is while still being a small, family-like community.

What advice would you give to new students?

Explore your options! Know that it’s never too late to switch your major or take a new class to explore an interest.

What is your favorite place to study on campus?

Science Library - Jittery Joe’s

What is one thing you wish more people knew about FACS?

FACS sets you up to succeed in pretty much any career you could want! If you know how to work well with others and value others’ dignity and needs, you will succeed.

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