
TXMI 6100 Advanced Textiles. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: ADVANCED TEXTILES. Prerequisite: TXMI 3500/3500L or Permission of department.
Fibers and finishes; emphasis on man-made fibers, new fiber, and finish developments and technology.

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 6110 Textile Dyeing. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: TEXTILE DYEING. Prerequisite: TXMI 3500/3500L and Permission of department.
Textile dyeing processes with emphasis on fiber-dye association. Analysis of dyeing techniques and properties of dyes and dyed materials.

TXMI 6120 Product Standards and Quality Analysis. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: PROD STAND/QUAL ANA. Prerequisite: STAT 2000 and TXMI 3520 or Permission of department.
Developing, maintaining, and assessing product standards from the initial design process to end uses of textile and apparel products. Quality assurance and certification programs; governmental regulations; statistical analysis and control of benefits offered through standards.

TXMI 6140 Textile Finishing Processes. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: TEXT FINISH PROC. Prerequisite: TXMI 3520.
Theories, application, evaluation, and identification of textile finishes and textile auxiliary processes. Examination of the role of finishing and types of finishes used in manufacturing fibers, yarns, and fabrics.

TXMI 6150 Nonwovens Science and Technology. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: NONWOVEN SCI/TECH. Prerequisite: TXMI 3500.
Manufacture and conversion of nonwoven webs with an examination of interrelationships involving raw materials, bonding systems, manufacturing processes, product properties, and end-uses.

Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.

TXMI 6160. Product Development in the Textile and Apparel Industries. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: PROD DEV TEX & APP. Undergraduate prerequisite: TXMI 3500. Graduate Prerequisite: TXMI 3500 or permission of department.
Study of product development methods and core functions of this process. The principles discussed in this course can be used in the development of all types of products. This course is specifically designed to focus on products that utilize textiles.                                                                               

Offered fall semester

TXMI 6230 Dress, Society, and Culture . 3 hours.

Oasis Title: DRESS AND CULTURE. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
The study of clothing with particular emphasis on psychological, sociological, and economic aspects of clothing.

Offered fall and spring semesters.

TXMI 6240. Fashion Promotion and Visual Merchandising. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: FASH PROM/VIS MERCH. Undergraduate prerequisite: TXMI 3210.
Overview of promotion practices in the apparel design, product development, manufacturing, and retail merchandising environment, including promotion planning and budgeting, special event organization, advertising, public relations, publicity, fashion show production, and visual merchandising.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 6270 History of Costume: Antiquity to Nineteenth Century. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: HIS COS AN TO 19TH. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Interrelationships of costume and social, cultural, political, and economic environments from antiquity to the nineteenth century.

Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.

TXMI 6290 History of Dress and Fashion: Nineteenth Century to the Present. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: HIS DRESS 19 PRES. Prerequisite: TXMI 3500 or permission of department.
Interrelationship of costume and social, cultural, political, and economic environments from the nineteenth century to the present day.

Offered fall and spring semesters.

TXMI 6330 American Interiors and Furnishings. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: AMER INT & FURN.
American interior design and furnishings from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. Identification of styles as well as social, cultural, and historic influences.

Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.

TXMI 6340 Historic Interior Materials. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: HIST INT MATERIALS. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Ceiling, wall, and floor coverings, window treatments, upholstery, and lighting in historic American interior design, with emphasis on analysis and selection.

TXMI 6350 Historical Homes and Furnishings. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: HIST HOMES & FURN. Prerequisite: TXMI 3350 and ARST 2000 or ARTS 2100.
The architecture, interiors, and furnishings in the western world from the ancient Egyptian era through 1850.

Offered spring semester.

TXMI 6360 Decorative Arts and Antiques. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: DECOR ARTS & ANTIQU.. Prerequisite: TXMI 4370/6370 or permission of department.
Historical and cultural development of accessories used in the home including ceramics, metals, and textiles. Design and characteristics of materials in these accessories will be covered.

Offered fall semester.

TXMI 6370 Contemporary Homes and Furnishings. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: CONTEMP HOME FURN. Prerequisite: TXMI 3350 and ARST 2000 or permission of department.
Contemporary developments in architecture, interiors, and furniture from 1850 to present day.

Offered fall semester.

TXMI 6380 Interior Fabrics and Materials: Specifications and Estimations. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: INTERIOR FABRICS. Prerequisite: TXMI 3520 and senior standing or permission of department.
Construction, fibers, and finishes for fabrics with emphasis on quality, durability, and utilization of current materials for soft floor coverings, window treatments, and upholstery. Estimations and specifications.

Offered spring semester.

TXMI 6520. Apparel and Textile Economics. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: APP AND TEXT ECON. Prerequisite: [TXMI 35200 and (ECON 2105 or ECON 2106) and TXMI 3210] or permission of department. Organization and functions of apparel and textile industries. Factors related to production, distribution, and consumption of apparel and household textiles.

Offered fall and spring every year.

TXMI 6540. International Textiles and Apparel. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: INTL TEXTILES. Prerequisite: TXMI 3500.
Textile and apparel production and distribution in relation to the culture, politics, and policies of major textile and apparel industries. Emphasis placed on impact of global issues on marketability and availability of textile and apparel products.

TXMI 6580. History of World Textiles. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: HIS OF WORLD TEX. Undergraduate prerequisite: Permission of department.
Textile developments and the textile industry in western and non-western areas from prehistoric to modern times in the context of specific technological, economic, political, social, religious, aesthetic, and cultural conditions.

TXMI 6900. Special Topics in Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.

Special topics in textiles, merchandising and interiors. The content will vary from year to year.

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 7240. Retailing Apparel and Textiles. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: RETAIL APPAREL. Prerequisite: TXMI 3210 or permission of department.
Retailing, retail organizational structures, merchandising, and organization of market resources in apparel and textiles. Emphasizes concepts applicable to the apparel and textile industry.

Offered fall and spring semester every year.

TXMI 7270. E-tailing in Apparel and Textiles. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: E-TAILING APP/TEX. Undergraduate prerequisite: TXMI 3210 or permission of department.
Various issues in e-commerce and e-tailing; emphasizes concepts applicable to the apparel and textile industry.

Offered every year.

TXMI 7000. Master's Research. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 33 hours credit.

Oasis Title: MASTER'S RESEARCH. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Research while enrolled for a master's degree under the direction of faculty members.
Non-traditional format: Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.

Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

TXMI 7005. Graduate School Seminar. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit.

Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of study. Non-traditional format: Seminar.

Offered, fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

TXMI 7300. Master's Thesis. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 33 hours credit.

Oasis Title: MASTER'S THESIS. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor.
Non-traditional format: Independent research and thesis preparation.

Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

TXMI 7310. Residential Interiors and Economic Resources. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: RES INT AND ECN RES. Undergraduate prerequisite: TXMI 3380 or Permission of department. Residential space planning and selection of fabrics, finishes, and furnishings using specified amounts of economic resources.

Offered spring semester.

TXMI 7320. Residential Design Practices. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: RES DESIGN PRAC. Undergraduate prerequisite: TXMI 3380.
Relationships between the designer, wholesaler, and retailer in the home furnishing industry. Designer and client relationships with emphasis on retailing practices and economic resources in the residential design firm.

Offered spring semester.

TXMI 7710. Study Tour in Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.

Oasis Title: STUDY TOUR TMI. Undergraduate prerequisite: Permission of department.
An on-location study of clothing, textiles, fashion merchandising, and residential interiors and furnishings. Includes lectures by recognized leaders in the field; meetings with designers, manufacturing plants, distribution centers, retail stores, and museums. Non-traditional format: Lecture, tour, and other activities for the length of the program.

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 7810. Historic Collection Management. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.

Oasis Title: HIST COLL MANAG. Graduate prerequisite: Permission of department.
Training and practical experience on proper textile preservation, conservation, storage, and display technique for historic flat textiles, garments, and accessories. Other experiences may include database management, exhibit design, and development of museum education materials. Non-traditional format: Practicum.

TXMI 7910. Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors Internship. 3-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit.

Oasis Title: TMI Internship. Undergraduate prerequisite: Permission of department.
Supervised work experience in textiles, clothing, interiors, and furnishings in a business firm off campus.

TXMI 8050. Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors Research Methods. 3 hours.

The philosophy of research applicable to clothing, textile, and interiors studies; methodology and interpretation of research literature.

Offered spring semester every year.

TXMI 8110-8110L. Physical Analysis of Textiles. 3 hours.

2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week.
Oasis Title: PHYS ANAL TEXT. Prerequisite: TXMI 4100/6100 and permission of department.
The physical properties of textiles important for quality control and research. New techniques and instrumentation for physical analysis of textiles.

TXMI 8120. Polymer Science. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: POLYMER SCIENCE. Prerequisite: TXMI 4100/6100 and CHEM 2212 and CHEM 2212L.
The physics and chemistry of polymeric materials, including polymer property-structure relationships, polymer solution and rheology, polymerization, polymer reactions, and polymer characterization.

TXMI 8130. Chemical and Instrumental Analysis of Polymers. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: CHEM INST ANAL POLY. Not open to students with credit in TXMI 4130/6130.
The principles and instrumentations of traditional chemical analysis and modern instrumental analytical techniques, and the applications of those analytical techniques to the analysis of polymers including textile fibers, yarns, finishes, and dyes.

Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.

TXMI 8140. Environmental Aspects of Textiles. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: ENV ASPECTS TEXT. Prerequisite: TXMI 4520/6520.
Environmental issues related to textile manufacturing. Examination of water, air, noise, and solid pollution controls and legislation and their impact on the textile industry.

TXMI 8170. Color Science. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: COLOR SCIENCE. Prerequisite: [TXMI 3520 and MATH 2200 and MATH 2200L] or permission of department.
Development of color order systems and color theory in relation to color vision, light, and optics; problems in visual and instrumental color measurement of materials with emphasis on textile materials.

TXMI 8180. Physics of Textile Structures. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: PHYS TEX STRUCTURE. Prerequisite: [(TXMI 3520 and TXMI 4100/6100) and (PHYS 1111-1111L or PHYS 1211-1211L)] or permission of department.
Theoretical analysis of fine fiber structure, physical properties of yarns, fabric shear deformation and bending. Evaluation of interrelationships among fiber structure, yarn structure, fabric geometry, and fabric performance.

TXMI 8190. Dyeing Theory. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: DYEING THEORY. Prerequisite: TXMI 4110/6110 or permission of department.
Textile dyeing, with emphasis on mathematical descriptions of equilibrium and kinetic processes of dye absorption.

TXMI 8220. Advanced Topics in International Textile and Apparel Production and Trade. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: ADV INTER TRADE. Prerequisite: TXMI 4520/6520.
Patterns of international textile and apparel production and trade, analyzed through use of economic principles; examination of economic, political/legal, and technological influences. Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 8240. Advanced Topics in Retailing. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: ADVANCED RETAILING. Prerequisite: TXMI 6250 or TXMI 8050 or permission of department.
Classical and contemporary readings related to retail management; emphasizes topics applicable to the apparel and textile industry.

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 8250. Apparel Trade and International Retailing . 3 hours.

Oasis Title: TRADE & INT RETAIL.
Economic aspects of apparel and textile trade and international retailing practices. Trade policies, comparative advantages, and global issues that affect apparel and textile trade and retailing are examined. Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.

TXMI 8260. Advanced Topics in Consumer Behavior. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: ADV CONS BEHAVIOR. Prerequisite: TXMI 8050 or permission of department.
Classical and contemporary readings related to consumer behavior issues; emphasizes topics applicable to the apparel and textile industry.

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 8270 Apparel Theories and Methodologies. 3 hours.

Oasis Title: APPAREL THEORY METH. Prerequisite: TXMI 8050 and permission of department.
Theories and methods in apparel research: retailing, fashion, cultural, and historical.

Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.

TXMI 8500. Contemporary Topics in Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors. 2 hours.

Oasis Title: CONTEMP TOPICS TMI. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Current specialized topics in textiles, clothing, and furnishings. Focus on economic, environmental, and social factors related to textiles, clothing, and furnishings.

Not offered on a regular basis.

TXMI 8900. Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors Seminar. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 2 hours credit.

Oasis Title: TMI SEMINAR. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Research and theory in clothing, textiles, and furnishings. Intensive reading and discussion of selected topics to be presented by advanced students, faculty, and guest speakers.

Offered fall and spring semester every year.

TXMI 9000. Doctoral Research. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.

Oasis Title: DOCTORAL RESEARCH. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members. Non-traditional format: Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.

Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

TXMI 9005. Doctoral Graduate Student Seminar. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit.

Oasis Title: DOC GRAD STU SEM.
Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of study. Non-traditional format: Seminar.

Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

TXMI 9010. Direct Research. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit.

Oasis Title: DIRECT RESEARCH. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Independent study and/or research under supervision of an instructor.

Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

TXMI 9300. Doctoral Dissertation. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.

Oasis Title: DOCT DISSERTATION. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Dissertation writing under the direction of the major professor.
Non-traditional format: Independent research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation.

Offered fall, spring, and summer semesters every year.

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