2020-2027 Strategic Plan
This seven-year 2027 strategic plan:
- Sets a bold vision for the College and a roadmap on how to get there
- Is dynamic and accountable, with measurable key performance indicators
- Achieves our commitment to diversity and inclusion
- Identifies fundraising goals for the next five years
- Meets accreditation standards for the College and academic programs
- Helps departments and units in FACS align with the directions set by the College and University
Based on themes emerging from survey and faculty forums and input from alumni and constituents, the FACS Faculty Advisory Committee and 2027 Strategic Planning Team identified specific goals under the umbrella of each strategic direction. The College’s goals align with the UGA 2027 Strategic Plan.
The 2027 Strategic Plan for the College of Family and Consumer Sciences sets a course to reach new heights of excellence through three broad Strategic Directions.
These thirteen College-level goals define areas for focused effort by academic and administrative units over the next seven years.
Strategic Directions
Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Expand experiential learning opportunities for all students along with increasing the number of research opportunities we offer in the College.
- Enhance training, support, and recognition for all who provide instruction (full time, part-time, tenure-track and non-tenure track) and graduate students to enhance their teaching.
- Enhance infrastructure and support for evidence-based teaching methods across the curriculum including culminating/capstone experience in each program, and improve technology-based and accessible classrooms.
- Promote academic access and success for all students, with particular consideration for underrepresented, rural, first-generation and other underserved students and strengthen commitment to diversity and inclusion through activities and trainings in the College.
Growing Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
- Bolster growth in research, innovation and entrepreneurship in the College by enhancing faculty, staff and student capacity coupled with increased physical resources.
- Facilitate interdisciplinary research across academic units and institutions to address high-priority issues and, when outcomes align with opportunities for new product development, establish new sustainable industry partnerships
- Enhance research growth by promoting and facilitating the utilization of university-wide research infrastructure and expertise by aligning faculty and staff with physical resources
- Expand the capacity in the College to enhance discipline specific and timely communication coinciding with research discoveries to increase visibility of unit accomplishments and relevant impact
Strengthening Partnerships with Communities across Georgia and around the World
- Create opportunities and a support process for collaborative community-focused scholarship in Georgia, across the nation, and the world through comprehensive needs assessments, prioritizing identified needs, implementing community-based participatory research and integrated knowledge translation strategies, and evaluating the impact.
- Strengthen the College’s role in economic development across the state with an emphasis on underserved communities and reducing barriers for faculty to successfully build community collaborations.
- Broaden opportunities for students to engage with the diversity of communities in Georgia and across the nation and world on locally identified needs and issues.
- Develop high-impact global partnerships to support excellence in research and service by increasing academic agreements with global partners, increasing research and publications together.
- Strengthen communications and market the success of community partnerships and the collective impact through research, teaching, and public service.
Full Reports
The full reports in PDF format for the three Strategic Directions include the Goals describe above, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which will be measured and reported annually each August at the close of the fiscal year. The full reports also describe strategies over the next seven years as to how the goals can be met.
- Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning
- Growing Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Strengthening Partnership with Communities across Georgia and around the World
We've mapped out three phases of planning on our timeline:
- Develop Goals, Targets and Measures: January - April, 2020
- Completion of the College Plan: May - October 2020
- Take Action and Report Progress: October - August 2021
Don't have time for the full document? Read the Overview and the Unit Planning Process.
2010-2020 Strategic Plan
The 2010-2020 Strategic Plan provides the blueprint for action around the seven strategic directions of the university's Strategic Plan 2020.
Seven Goals
- Build on excellence in undergraduate education by increasing student involvement, enhancing academic advising, providing the learning environment necessary to ensure that programs of study are relevant to today’s needs, extending student recruitment to reflect a diverse student body and recruiting the best and brightest students.
- Build on excellence in graduate education by increasing funding, providing flexible course offerings, and establishing collaborations across colleges.
- Invest in current and emerging areas of research excellence in Georgia and the world.
- Serve the citizens of the state of Georgia through educational programs and community partnerships.
- Improve faculty and staff recruitment, retention and development.
- Enhance the physical and technological environment and capabilities to meet the needs of our students, faculty, staff and constituents.
- Improve stewardship of natural resources and advance the college’s dedication to sustainability.
The college is governed by a set of Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and several committees. The Faculty Advisory Committee advises the Dean and Assistant and Associate Deans and the Staff Council provides a sounding board for staff to communicate to the college and university administration.
The Administrative and Dean’s Unit organizational charts identify the leadership of the college.