
Approved 1992

Revised June 1997

Revised February 1998

Revised July 2000

Revised April 2003

Revised Fall 2023

The University of Georgia


The name of this body shall be the Assembly of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences, The University of Georgia.


The purpose of these bylaws is to promote the orderly conduct of business of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. These bylaws supplement the Statutes of the University of Georgia. In case of conflict, the Statutes shall prevail. In addition, Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall apply to the extent that its provisions are not inconsistent with the Statutes or these bylaws.


Members of the Assembly of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences hold the right to vote in elections, to speak, and to serve on elected and appointed committees, except as limited by other provisions of these bylaws. The membership comprises the following:

1. All faculty appointments of at least .50 EFT including professors, associate professors, assistant professors who are tenured or tenure-track, instructors, lecturers, clinical, academic professionals and senior public service associates, public service associates, and public service assistants in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences are full members of the College Assembly.

2. Individuals holding the following positions who have administrative responsibility for programs within the College: Director of Development, Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving, Director of Technology and Instructional Services, Director of Facilities, Director of External Relations, Director of Student Success and Advising Center, Director of ASPIRE Clinic, Assistant to the Dean for Inclusive Excellence, and Senior Director of Business and Finance.


1. Chair. The chair of Assembly meetings shall be the Dean of the College. In addition to presiding at Assembly meetings, the Dean or the Dean's designated representative shall be the official custodian of all minutes and other records of Assembly meetings.

In the absence of the Dean, the Dean's designee shall chair Assembly meetings.

2. Secretary. The Executive Assistant to the Dean shall serve as Secretary for the Assembly.

The Secretary shall:

  1. Maintain an up-to-date list of the members of the Assembly;

  1. Record and preserve minutes of all meetings, special reports, and official actions. Typed copies of the minutes shall be preserved indefinitely. Electronic recordings, in addition to the written minutes, may be employed at the discretion of the secretary or when required by action of the Assembly. The recording shall be preserved for three years;

  1. Supervise the distribution of Assembly meeting announcements;

  1. Distribute copies of the minutes of the Assembly meetings to the head of each administrative unit, who shall make them accessible to the faculty of that unit.

3. Parliamentarian. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs shall serve as the Parliamentarian of the College and shall be available for consultation by the members of the Assembly on matters that are, or may be, before the Assembly and to chairpersons of committees elected by the Assembly. The Parliamentarian shall find their own replacement if they expect to be absent from a meeting.


1. Regular Meetings.

a. The chair shall call at least one regular meeting of the Assembly during each semester of the academic year. The schedule of meetings shall be distributed at the beginning of the academic year.

b. The agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Dean. Assembly members may request that specific items of business be placed on the agenda. Such requests shall be made in writing to the Dean ten (10) working days before the Assembly meeting. The omission of such an item from the agenda shall not prevent its introduction from the floor as new business. Items introduced from the floor as new business may be held over to the next meeting, regular or special, for action.

c. At least five (5) working days before each meeting of the Assembly, whether scheduled at the beginning of the year or specially called, written notice, including the agenda, shall be sent to each member of the Assembly. Notice may be sent by electronic mail.

2. Additional meetings.

Additional meetings of the Assembly may be called by the Dean. The Dean must convene a special meeting within fourteen (14) working days of receiving a petition signed by one-third of the members of the Assembly. A notice including the agenda for the meeting shall be sent out at least five (5) working days before the meeting, and only items specifically identified on the agenda will be considered.

3. Quorum.

A simple majority of the voting members of the Assembly shall constitute a quorum. Motions may be passed by a majority of those present and voting. The Assembly may not conduct normal business if a quorum is called and found lacking.

4. Attendance at and Participation in Meetings of the Assembly.

a. Members of the Assembly shall have the right to speak

b. Staff who are not members of the Assembly and students of the College are encouraged to attend the College Assembly and may speak concerning items on the agenda.

5. Voting.

a. Any issue raised during the College Assembly that requires a vote will be conducted by electronic mail or ballot within ten (10) working days.


1. Executive Committee

a. Composition:

1. The Dean is chairperson of the Executive Committee and shall call and preside at meetings.

2. The Dean, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension, Director of the Institute for Human Development and Disability, and the Department Heads comprise the Executive Committee.

b. Functions of the Executive Committee:

1. Advise the Dean on the preparation of the budget;

2. Consider and recommend to the Dean policies and procedures for the administration of the College;

3. Review and coordinate academic programs, research, and public service and outreach programs;

4. Coordinate matters of an interdisciplinary nature;

5. Respond to and advise the Dean on University requests, reports, and activities.

2. Administrative Cabinet

a. Composition:

1. The Dean is chairperson of the Administrative Cabinet and shall call and preside at meetings;

2. The Department Heads; Associate Dean for Academic Programs; Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension; Senior Director of Business and FinanceDirector of Development; Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving; Director of Technology and Instructional Services; Director of External Relations; Director of ASPIRE Clinic; Director of Facilities; Assistant to the Dean for Inclusive Excellence, and the Director of the Institute on Human Development and Disability are members of the Administrative Cabinet.

b. Function of Administrative Cabinet:

1. Serve as a vehicle for planning and for administration of the various teaching, research, and public service and outreach aspects of the College;

2. Review and coordinate special functions and activities of the College for particular audiences


1. Enumeration and Classification of Committees

The College Committees include:

a. The elected Faculty Advisory Committee, which also will serve as the Bylaws Committee;

b. The Promotion and Tenure Committee, constituted by rank and tenure status;

c. The appointed standing committees, comprising

Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee
Curriculum Committee

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee
Graduate Committee
Study Away Committee
Scholarships and Awards Committee
Student Leadership Advisory Council (SLAC)

d. Special committees that the Faculty Advisory Committee or the Executive Committee or the Administrative Cabinet shall from time to time create;

e. Ad hoc committees created by resolution of the faculty or by action of the Dean;

f. The Executive Assistant to the Dean and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs shall have the responsibility for maintaining a list of faculty appointments to committees. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs shall appoint the chairs of committees unless otherwise specified in committee descriptions.

2. Meetings of Committees

Committees shall meet regularly to conduct such business as necessary to fulfill their charge. Meetings shall be open to persons not on the committee at the discretion of the committee. Substitutes may attend committee meetings in the absence of the committee member, with the exception of the Faculty Advisory Committee and the Promotion and Tenure Committees.

3. Bylaws Committee

a. Composition
      The Faculty Advisory Committee will serve as the College Bylaws Committee.

4. Faculty Advisory Committee

a. Composition

1. The Dean is the chairperson of the committee;

2. One committee member shall be elected per department by the departmental faculty (total: 4);

3. One committee member shall be elected to represent each academic rank or group: a) professor, b) associate professor, c) assistant professor, d) instructor/lecturer/academic professional/clinical and e) public service and outreach faculty (total: 5);

4. Members shall serve two-year staggered terms;

5. Elections for Human Development and Family Science; Nutritional Sciences; professor; and assistant professor shall be held in the Spring Semester of even-numbered years with the position to be filled at the beginning of Fall Semester of the following academic year. Elections for Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics; Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors; associate professor; instructor/lecturer/academic professional; and public service and outreach faculty shall be held in the Spring Semester of odd-numbered years to be filled at the beginning of Fall Semester of the following academic year;

6. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension will be ex officio members of the committee.

b. Functions:

1. Serve as an advisory committee to the Dean regarding matters of College policy and special initiatives;
2. Serve as the Bylaws Committee;
3. Periodically review evaluation procedures of faculty members' teaching performance;
4. Periodically review procedures for evaluation of administrators' performance;

5. Vote on all staff awards. Subcommittees within the Faculty advisory committee will be created for teaching, research, and outreach. Voting may be conducted by electronic mail or ballot.

5. Promotion and Tenure Committees

a. Composition

1. The Promotion and Tenure Committee for the College of Family and Consumer Sciences shall consist of eight (8) members of the tenured faculty at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, two (2 from each department. The Promotion and Tenure Committee considering specific candidates shall be comprised of six (6) members other than the candidate's Promotion and Tenure Unit (PTU);

2. The members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee shall be appointed on a yearly basis by the Dean by April 10 for the following academic year.

b. Functions:

1. Review and vote on nominations from the departments for promotion and tenure of tenure-track faculty;

2. Report the decisions of the committee to the Dean, following evaluation of each individual's credentials.

c. Procedures:

1. The Dean shall call to order the meetings of the Promotion and Tenure Committee and an elected Chairperson shall conduct the meetings in accordance with current University of Georgia Guidelines on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure. (VII. B. 2. a,b,c,e);

2. For each candidate's dossier, the Department Head shall attach the PTU criteria for promotion and tenure;

3. A brief presentation of each candidate's dossier shall be made by the head of the PTU or his or her designee;

4. Faculty who have participated at the department level must recuse themselves and may not participate in discussion at the college PTU. The minimum number for a review committee shall be five (5) for reviews by the PTU and the College for preliminary consideration, the PTU review, and the College review. If there are not five eligible faculty in a department to constitute a committee, appointments shall be made from other faculty in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences who meet the criteria to serve on the committee.

     The minimum number for a third-year review committee shall be three (3). Reports of the Third-Year Review Committee shall be reviewed by all tenured departmental faculty and the final report of the third-year review shall be prepared by the Department Head and given to the candidate.

d.  Public Service and Outreach Faculty:

For promotion consideration of Public Service and Outreach faculty, a committee shall be constituted and shall function according to the University policies and procedures for public service and outreach.

6. Standing Committees

6.1 Student Technology Fee Advisory Committee

a. Composition:

1. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs shall chair the committee;

2. One member and one alternate member shall be appointed from each department and from the Institute for Human Development and Disability, selected in a manner acceptable to the faculty of the department. Terms of service are for three years, staggered among members, and renewable;

3. Three student members will represent and reflect the overall composition of FACS’ diverse study body, including graduate and undergraduate representation. Terms of service for student members are one year and are renewable;

4. The Director of Technology and Instructional Services and a representative from the Business Finance Office (BFO) will serve as ex officio members of the committee. Both must be present at semi-annual meetings.;

5. One member shall be appointed from OTIS.

b. Function:

1. To review and prioritize Student Technology Fee funding requests and make recommendations to the Dean based on available Student Technology Fee funding;

2. To adhere to the Board of Regents policies and procedures and all applicable UGA Vice President for Information Technology instructions related to Student Technology Fees;

6.2 Curriculum Committee

a. Composition

1. The committee shall be composed of the Dean, the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Department Heads, Director of the Institute for Human Development and Disability, one representative from each of the four departments in the College, one representative from IHDD, and one representative from Family and Consumer Sciences Education. The Director of the Student Success and Advising Center will serve as a non-voting member. Departmental/Institute representatives are annually appointed by the Department Heads/Director;

2. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs will serve as chair of the College Curriculum Committee and serve as the college representative to the University Curriculum Committee.

b. Functions:

The College Curriculum Committee is responsible for developing curriculum policies and procedures for the College, within University guidelines.

1. Review proposed degrees, majors, minors, and areas of emphasis;

2. Review new courses or course changes;

3. Transmit approved degrees, majors, minors, areas of emphasis, and courses and course changes to the University Curriculum Committee.

6.3 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee

a. Composition: TBD

b. Functions: TBD

6.4 Graduate Committee

a. Composition:

1. The committee shall be composed of the Graduate Coordinators from each department;

2. The chair shall be the Dean.

b. Function:

1. Review nominations from departments for appointment to Graduate Faculty status and recommend to the Dean such appointments;

2. Communicate about the graduate programs within the College;

3. Select recipients of the Endsley-Peifer Award.

6.5 Study Away Committee

a. Composition:

1. The committee shall consist of all directors of study tours for the academic year, or at least one faculty member from each department if a department is not represented by a director;

2. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs is the chairperson and shall call and preside at the meetings.

b. Function:

1. Review study tour proposals and make recommendations to the Dean;

2. Familiarize directors with fiscal and academic responsibilities of conducting a study tour;

3. Explore opportunities to enhance international aspects of the College's research, teaching, and outreach.

6.6 Scholarships and Awards Committee

a. Composition:

1. One member shall be appointed from each department, selected in a manner acceptable to the faculty of the department/unit;

2. The Dean, the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, and the Director of Development shall be ex officio members of the committee;

3. The chair of the committee shall be the Associate Dean for Academic Program;

4. Graduate coordinators from each department shall serve on the committee when discussing graduate scholarships.

b. Function:

1. The Committee shall make recommendations for recipients to receive scholarships available in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences;

2. The Committee shall make recommendations for student awards in the College, except for the Endsley-Peifer Award which shall be determined by the Graduate Committee.

c. Procedures:

1. The committee shall follow the current College scholarship policies and procedures manual;

2. Each department shall have one vote. When decisions are made on graduate scholarships the graduate coordinators will cast the departmental vote. When decisions are made on undergraduate scholarships the departmental representatives shall cast the vote. In the case of a tie, the Dean shall vote.

6.7 Student Leadership Advisory Council (SLAC)

a. Composition:

1. The Director of the Student Success and Advising Center shall serve or appoint a member of the SSAC staff to serve as advisor of this group. A student intern will provide administrative support;

2. The President and one additional officer from each active FACS student organization, the FACS SGA Representative, and two FACS Student Ambassadors will be members. Membership lasts for one year. 

b. Functions:

1. To enhance the FACS student experience;

2. To provide reciprocal opportunities for administrators to learn more about the student experience and for students to learn more about the College;

3. To develop leaders who spearhead the values of FACS and feel adequately supported while doing so;

4. To increase communication between students and college administration, promote awareness about the diversity and offerings of FACS, and to encourage student engagement with other students, faculty, staff, alumni, and administrators.

The Student Leadership Advisory Council Strategic Plan of Operations will govern its operations.


General Rules

1. Election procedures shall be handled by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Executive Assistant to the Dean.

2. The Associate Dean for Academic Programs shall certify a roster of eligible voting faculty of the College.

2. The Executive Assistant to the Dean shall solicit nominations and prepare ballots for positions. The two nominees who receive the highest number of votes shall become the candidates for the general election.

3. Nominees on the ballot must certify they are willing to serve if elected.

4. Ties shall be broken by the toss of a coin under the direction of the Associate Dean for Academic Programs.

5. The results of elections shall be reported to the Dean by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs, and the Dean shall report the results to the faculty.

6. Balloting for the Faculty Advisory Committee shall be completed during Spring Semester for the following year and announced to the faculty by April 30.

7. The Executive Assistant to the Dean shall maintain a record of all elections, including votes cast in the nomination process and in general elections for all elections held at the College level.

8. Persons unable to complete the term of office to which they have been elected shall submit their resignation in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made by the Faculty Advisory Committee after consulting results of the past election.


The College of Family and Consumer Sciences follows the University’s Grievance Policy. “All grievances must be reviewed at a minimum of two levels within the Grievant’s employment unit, including the head of the employment unit or his/her designee. However, if there is only one level of appeal within the Grievant’s employment unit, the second appeal shall be made to the next higher-level administrator in the organizational chart or their designee.”

Adopted May 20, 1991

Revised February, 1998

Revised October, 2023


These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of eligible voters. Proposed changes shall be prepared and distributed to members. To the extent possible, proposed changes shall be shown in conjunction with the present bylaws in a manner that designates the differences. The proposed changes shall be discussed at a meeting of the members at least two weeks before the vote is taken. The vote may be taken by online ballot or ballot cast at a meeting of the members. The method of taking the vote shall be determined by the Faculty Advisory Committee.

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