Three-Voice Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness


In order to meet the University and College strategic goal related to enhancing infrastructure and support for evidence-based teaching methods across the curriculum, beginning fall 2022 FACS will be implementing a college-wide three-voice evaluation of teaching effectiveness process for all faculty and graduate student who teach. 

This policy was designed to meet the needs of instructors in FACS while also aligning with new University policy. See APO 23 Improvement and Documentation of Teaching Effectiveness 

Policy and Process

1. Student Experience Survey

All instructors must give students the opportunity to complete a student experience survey at the end of each course. The survey will include 8 common course questions with a response scale of Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, unless otherwise indicated. Departments may add their own questions to the survey if desired.

  • The instructor clearly defined and explained the course objectives and expectations.
  • The instructor effectively engaged students in class.
  • I have a deeper understanding of the subject matter as a result of this course.
  • The instructor was responsive to student inquiries in a timely manner.
  • What grade do you expect that you will earn in this course? A, B, C, D, F
  • What were the main strengths of the course? (open-ended and optional)
  • What suggestions do you have for improving the course? (open-ended and optional)
  • Do you have any additional comments? (open-ended and optional)

The following statement will be included on all end-of-course experience surveys. “As you fill out this survey, please focus on the quality of the instruction and the content of the course (e.g., assignments, textbook, in-class material) and not unrelated matters (e.g., instructor characteristics such as age, race/ethnicity, or gender).”

2. Peer Observation of Teaching

Each calendar year, it is recommended that all instructors complete one of the following three items to document their peer observation of teaching efforts. UGA requires that any faculty member seeking promotion (e.g., from Assistant to Associate, Associate to Full, Lecturer to Senior Lecturer) should document two peer observations of their teaching. Peer observations of teaching are meant to be developmental, will encourage teaching improvements, and enable identification and documentation of changes in teaching effectiveness.  

  1. Participate in training for peer observation
  2. Conduct a peer observation of teaching for a colleague using the FACS Peer Observation of Teaching Rubric or another peer observation form. Training is recommended before completing an observation.
    • The colleague could be a graduate student teaching assistant, part-time instructor, or another faculty member. 
  3. Have one of their classes peer observed using the FACS Peer Observation of Teaching Rubric or another peer observation form.
    • The instructor may identify the faculty member they wish to conduct the observation. The observer must be a part-time instructor or faculty member within FACS but may be within or outside of their home department.
    • If an observer cannot be identified, the instructor will work with the department head and/or Associate Dean of Academic Programs in FACS to identify an observer for their class.
    • The completed observation will be the property of the instructor. This information/document can be used to improve teaching and shared at the discretion of the observed instructor. 

3. Instructor Self-Reflection

FACS instructors are also encouraged to complete a self-reflection each year.

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