9 Important Communication Skills for Every Relationship. Effective communication is critical to successful relationships. This tip sheet describes basic information which focuses on the 4 Don'ts and the 5 Dos of Communication (9 Skills) from John Gottman, one of the nation's leading researchers and practitioners on marriage. It also includes a tracking sheet for implementing the 9 communication skills. Part of the Healthy Relationships and Marriages Series (University of Florida Extension, 2012).
10 Rules for Constructive Conflict. Determining how we handle conflict is a good way to assess how well we are functioning in our relationships. This brief quiz can help people realize what they are doing that is constructive and what skills they might want to develop to help manage conflict more effectively. Part of the Healthy Relationships and Marriages Series (University of Florida Extension, 2012).
Closeness in a Couple Relationship. This fact sheet discusses the challenges that can occur in merging individuals from two families into a cohesive couple relationship and makes suggestions for balancing separateness and togetherness. (Ohio State University Extension, 2009).
Communication with Your Partner. Part of the Marriage Garden Series, this is a fact sheet on the many different ways partners communicate with each other. (University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension, 2006)
Dealing With Couples' Anger. This fact sheet summarizes what can happen when couples fail to address issues and avoid communication which could avoid/prevent conflict.(Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, 2007).
Getting to Know You, Your Co-Spender, and Money. Part of the Home and Away Series, this fact sheet provides an exercise that helps couples compare values about money. (Ohio State University Extension)
The Importance of Communication in Learning to Manage Money. This fact sheet discusses the importance of communication about money issues and presents a plan for couples to follow for learning how to deal with this important issue. (Ohio State University Extension, 2003)
Money Mechanics: Communication. Poor communication about money often is the root of financial problems in families. This publication, developed by Iowa State University Extension, provides tips for couples on communicating about and resolving conflict around financial matters. It includes information on setting rules, how to talk about money, and identify money problems. It also includes a Money Quiz. (Iowa State University Extension, 2008)
PeopleTALK: Enhancing Your Relationships. This lesson and tip sheet is intended to complement the K-State Research and Extension CoupleTALK program. This PeopleTALK lesson gives attention to connections with others, and can be particularly helpful for marital and couple relationships. It emphasizes a process of growth and behavioral change that can help people develop stronger and more satisfying relationships. Leaders guide also available. (Kansas Extension, 2004).
Relationships: Choose Words that Work. Good communication is the foundation of successful relationships. This tip sheet suggests working on communication skills by being respectful, picking the right time for communication, and using "I" statements to share responsibility. (Kansas State University Extension, 2005).
Sandwich Generation. This fact sheet addresses many of the stressors felt by individuals who have simultaneous commitments to help their adult children and their elderly parents – the “sandwich generation”. (Utah State University Extension, 2006).
Use Cues to Improve Relationships. This tip sheet offers tips for couples to become aware of clues or signals that a partner may give and suggests that following those cues may enhance the relationship. Some suggestions include: being attentive, taking time to listen, and being thoughtful. (Kansas State University Extension, 2005).
Your Money Matters. In this segment of the Florida Marriage Preparation series, couples are encouraged to look at the importance of talking about money openly and honestly before marriage (University of Florida Cooperative Extension, 2001)