Our work reaches beyond Athens and the University of Georgia. As you’ve considered the impact of the Body of Knowledge on yourself and your role in the community, you’ll now learn how the Body of Knowledge for FACS extends into the global environment.
In this module, you’ll learn more about how we embrace diverse communities, participate in outreach through extension, and communicate the mission of FACS to a global audience.
Our college embraces a commitment to diversity by modeling for the state and nation, a community of individuals and programs which seek to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and build a supportive environment for all.
UGA Family and Consumer Sciences outreach, resources, and programs help improve the quality of life for individuals and families in Georgia. We provide training, disseminate research-based publications, and link families, businesses and communities to university faculty and resources.
Telling our story
Communicating the story of family and consumer sciences work is integral to increasing awareness and helping individuals, families and communities live well in a complex society. The projects and research done in FACS have an impact on everyday life and communicating that story is an important part of the global reach of family and consumer sciences.
Institute on Human Development and Disability (IHDD), works with people who have disabilities and others, to ensure that all people can achieve their highest capacity and quality of life. IHDD is one of UGA’s oldest continuously-funded federal programs. This is yet another example of how the work of FACS extends to individuals, their communities, and globally.